Saturday, May 16, 2009

Thai Tea

Thailand is famous for this chilled drink. It is rich and filling and beneficial in beating the summer heat. All Thai Teas have one common ingredient, condensed milk. They love their tea with rich and sweet milk.

½ cup tea – orange tea
1 cup condensed milk
4 tsps sugar

Take the ½ cup of orange tea and pour it in boiling water and let it cool down for few minutes. The key is to make the tea strong by repeating the above process with excess orange tea. When the tea is strong enough for you, then you can add 1 cup of condensed milk to the above mixture with 4 tsps of sugar. Stir the mixture well, chill it and then serve with shaved ice.

1 comment:

  1. I love Ice tea during Summer. This tea really makes me feel refreshing all day.

    green tea
